
Sometimes, we want to express the fact that a certain function will work for any input type at all. For example, consider a function to find the length of a list of natural numbers:

lengthN : List(N) -> N
lengthN([]) = 0
lengthN(_ :: xs) = 1 + lengthN(xs)

Or how about a function to find the length of a list of rational numbers:

lengthQ : List(Q) -> Q
lengthQ([]) = 0
lengthQ(_ :: xs) = 1 + lengthQ(xs)

It is easy to see that lengthN and lengthQ are identical except for their types, and that it is going to be very tedious if we have to write a different version of this function for every possible element type. The length of a list does not depend on the elements at all, so we would like to be able to define it once and for all, in a way that will work for any type of list.

Indeed, we can do exactly that, by using a type variable (any name that starts with a lowercase letter) in place of the concrete element type:

length : List(a) -> N
length([]) = 0
length(_ :: xs) = 1 + length(xs)

Here, the variable a can stand for any type. This expresses both a requirement that the definition of length does not care what type a is (and disco will actually check to make sure that is the case), and a promise that length can be used on any particular list. For example,

Disco> length [1,2,3]
Disco> length [True, False]

On the other hand, suppose we tried to define this function, which adds one to every element of a list:

incr : List(a) -> List(a)
incr([]) = []
incr(x :: xs) = (x + 1) :: incr(xs)

Disco does not accept this definition. The problem is that although it promises that it will work on lists of any type, it doesn’t: it tries to add one to the elements, and adding 1 is only something that works for some types. For example, it doesn’t make sense to add 1 to every element in a list of Booleans. incr will work fine if we give it a more specific type, such as List(N) -> List(N).

Another good example is function composition, which takes two functions and connects the output of one function to the input of the other, creating a new function representing the “pipeline” of doing one function then the other. The input and output types of the functions don’t matter at all — other than the fact that the output type of the one function has to match the input type of the other. We can write it as follows:

compose : (b -> c) * (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
compose(f,g) = \x. f(g(x))

a, b, and c can all stand for different types (although they are not required to be different). Notice, however, that the input type of the first function is b, and the output type of the second function is also b—hence no matter what type b represents, they must be the same. The function that results takes an input of type a and ultimately produces an output of type c after running the input through both functions.

Note that type definitions can also be polymorphic; see that page for more information.