
The following table shows all the fancy Unicode symbols that can be used in Disco. The first column shows the symbol itself (suitable for copy-pasting). For each symbol, the table shows the corresponding Unicode codepoint, the LaTeX command that can be used to generate the symbol, an equivalent ASCII representation that can be used in Disco to avoid copy-pasting a fancy symbol, and the meaning of the symbol with a link to the relevant Disco documentation.

Symbol Codepoint LaTeX ASCII equivalent Meaning + documentation
¬ U+AC \neg not Not
U+2227 \land /\ And
U+2227 \lor \/ Or
U+2192 \to -> Implies; function type
U+2192 \iff <-> If and only if
U+2260 \neq /=, != Not equal to
U+2264 \leq <=, =< Less-than-or-equal-to
U+2265 \geq >=, => Greater-than-or-equal-to
U+2200 \forall forall Universal quantification
U+2203 \exists exists Existential quantification
U+2238   .- Saturating subtraction
U+2208 \in elem Element of
U+2286 \subseteq subset Subset of
U+222A \cup union Set union
U+2229 \cap intersect Set intersection
U+2A2F \times >< Cartesian product; pair type
U+228E \uplus + Sum type
U+2115 \mathbb{N} N Natural numbers
U+2124 \mathbb{Z} Z Integers
𝔽 U+1D53D \mathbb{F} F Fractional numbers
U+211A \mathbb{Q} Q Rational numbers
λ U+033B \lambda \ Anonymous function
U+25A0 \blacksquare unit Unit value