
Disco takes a hybrid approach to laziness.

  • To facilitate compositionality and allow for things such as infinite lists, structured types (lists, pairs, etc.) in disco are lazy.
  • To avoid surprising performance issues, numeric types in disco are strict.

Examples coming soon.

Let expressions

Let expressions are a mechanism for defining new variables for local use within an expression. For example, 3 + (let y = 2 in y + y) evaluates to 7: the expression y + y is evaluated in a context where y is defined to be 2, and the result is then added to 3. The simplest syntax for a let expression, as in this example, is let <variable> = <expression1> in <expression2>. The value of the let expression is the value of <expression2>, which may contain occurrences of the <variable>; any such occurrences will take on the value of <expression1>.

More generally:

  • A let may have multiple variables defined before in, separated by commas.
  • Each variable may optionally have a type annotation.
  • The definitions of later variables may refer to previously defined variables.
  • However, the definition of a variable in a let may not refer to itself; only top-level definitions may be recursive.

Here is a (somewhat contrived) example which demonstrates all these features:

f : Nat -> List Nat
f n =
  let x : Nat = n//2,
      y : Nat = x + 3,
      z : List Nat = [3,x,y]
  in  n :: z

An important thing to note is that a given definition in a let expression will only ever be evaluated (at most) once, even if the variable is used multiple times. let expressions are thus a way for the programmer to ensure that the result of some computation is shared. let x = e in f x x and f e e will always yield the same result, but the former might be more efficient, if e is expensive to calculate.